Made Local. Delivered Local.
Proudly based in Liverpool, we only buy our paper from trusted suppliers, before converting and manufacturing the cardboard packaging you need, and delivering it ourselves. It’s all part of the West Coast service.
We flex when we can, because we care. We’ve designed our process to be elastic and reactive, so we can respond to your operational needs and deliver on tight turnarounds.
Optimised to your Operations
You can’t afford to run out of boxes on your production line, or have idle stocking sitting around taking up valuable space. We’ll help you optimise your operations with a predictable, cost-effective service that removes wasted space in boxes and on pallets, giving you greater efficiency and better margins.
Quality Control
We deploy our experience on every job, scrutinising everything so you can be sure of the high quality you need. Your packaging should perform well and allow your product to impress right out of the box. We’ll make sure that it does.
Automation Understood
We understand the unique pressures of automation. If your packaging isn’t there on time, your production line stops. By leveraging our experience integrating with a range of automated customers, we’ll make sure you are always resourced so everything keeps on running smoothly.
Reach Out
The best way to know if we’re a good fit for your business is to get in touch. Whether you’re finding your feet with a new operation or thinking about moving to a more responsive supplier, our friendly sales team can assess your needs and how you work, and explain our capabilities and pricing.
Reach Out